Sunday, April 7, 2013

Blog Post #7

1. Choose the software you would like to use in creating your next piece. Write about that choice explaining briefly why you decided to go with that application. "Play around" with the software, and develop some initial foundation for your project that you may build upon in the week before deadline

   I wanted to create my digital story with possibly a PowerPoint  I was trying to work around using Prezi, but this site is so completely and utterly complicated that I couldn't do it. I'm unable to add or create too much of the visualizations that I wish to do to portray my story, and with PowerPoint from Google Drive I feel that I am able to create and portray what I wish to tell with my digital story a lot better.

   I'm still working on what kind of story I wish to tell, but I have a couple of ideas. I've never used Google Docs before and so far I have enjoyed the flexibility of creativity that this program provides. 

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