Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blog Post #6

After reading  "A bibliographic overview of electronic literature," I was caught up with one  quote saying "Electronic literature is born-digital literary art." This and of itself states that electronic literature is something that was not just born like many other forms of literature, it's a completely new way and form that was created and born in cyberspace. This creates a uniquely wonderful work that adds on to what is our old ideal of what literature really is.  

I also really liked it when Francisco Ricardo says how electronic literature is "fundamentally different from and more complex than a material or printed work" since there are so many things that require a lot of analysis and so many aspects to the work that can help one notice that a lot of work had to be put into every electronic literature piece that's been created. 

Overall, this article, very long indeed, had a few insightful pieces of information that did grab my attention and I just mentioned a few of them above for the record. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blog Post #5

My electronic literature begins with small little excerpt from a mysterious individual who is watching a very thin girl from afar, this in turn then leads on to the 3 stories and experiences of girls with eating disorders, Anorexia and Bulimia. One girl, Alice, is a Pro-Ana girl who support Anorexia as a lifestyle. Lotus is a girl who is currently in recovery from her Bulimia and was once part of Alice's Pro-Ana myspace, where they would go on fasts together and exchange ideas. Patty is another girl who is also Anorexic and considered more of a follower than a leader. Whatever Alice decides to do, she does it, no matter what the price is. This is a story about their lives and the realities of an Eating Disorder.


  • To start reading the story, you have to click "tell me what is wrong with me."
  • On every page, there is a hyperlink that you must click. It is usually in pink font. 
  • I hope you enjoy my short little story on these 3 girls. Here's my E-Literature. :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My Hypertext Assignment Thus Far

Due to my car battery dying, thankfully, at home I was unable to make it to class. I wish I was able to see everyone else's work. It took me a while to think of something over break, and came up with this. I was going to make it very brief, but I just discovered something else I could do. So my site is again, under construction. I'm just playing around with the linking. Will be fixing up my two extra pages, if you can find em.

Friday, March 1, 2013

A) Post your early ideas for the Hypertext Assignment (Project 1).  B)  Post your experiences with your demo thus far - try to identify what kind of help you are going to need.  C)  Also, start to collect images you might want to incorporate into Project 1.  Think of this week as the "image blog" -start collecting images on your Google Drive.

A) In all honesty, I had been completely unsure on what it is I wanted to do. I was planning on maybe doing a story of sorts and just messing around with ideas. I don't know if I am possibly thinking too hard on what I should write or maybe I'm trying to think of something very complex and abstract as the other stories I've read. But overall, this should be something of my own, which I hope to do and just have fun with it :)

B) My experience so far with the google sites is still in "newbie" mode. I am COMPLETELY lost, but I hope to get the hang of this. I really want to know how am I going to do this whole page to page link thing, how to add some music and images. But I suppose I play around the site and see where I will end up. Hopefully it goes well. 

C) I'm still a but unsure of what my topic may be...I might make this a very small story and I might change it so no high hopes yet. My story will incorporate an eating disordered girl and how it feels in her mind. THIS MIGHT CHANGE. Here are my pictures so far: